Dani & Mike
Salt Lake City, UT

It was one of those awesome Utah spring days… the wind was whipping and dark clouds threatened, and even gave us a few, really large rain drops. At first we looked at the sky and glared at it… then Dani & Mike showed up, and the awesomeness of their engagement shoot ensued. Rain clouds & wind couldn’t keep any sunshine at bay with the spark that these two have. All cheesiness aside, they really do brighten up any day with their laughter and love.


I just love how much fun they have together.


Dani is HOT. seriously. Mike, you’re marrying WAY up.


A quick change of clothes and off to Nobrow coffee shop. This place has some ridiculously tasty coffee, and Mike’s love for coffee would bring he and Dani there throughout their dating career.  So, it was a fun place to re-live the love of coffee and each other. There are certain couples that you can tell are going to be awesome at marriage. These guys are that kind of couple.


Love you guys! Can’t wait for the wedding… but more importantly I can’t wait to be married friends and learn from you two.


2 responses to “Dani & Mike
Salt Lake City, UT”

  1. This looks amazing. Exciting about their amazing day and praying for the couple they are.