Dana & Eric: Part 2
McMenamins Wedding
Portland, OR

After their gorgeous first look at the south park blocks, we headed to McMenamin’s Octagonal Barn for Dana & Eric’s wedding. Remember how I told you it was the perfect Portland day… well, now, let me just show you…

We had to sneak in just a few more shots of Dana & Eric before their guests arrived. I mean seriously, with barns & flowers and this hot of a couple, we just had to.

The barn was made gorgeous with these incredible flowers hand-grown by Eric’s mom.

Time to get married.

They passed around their rings for their family & friends to bless their marriage. I really loved this idea where those closes to them get to take part in their marriage.

They kept this theme throughout their wedding, and had their two besties marry them. Talk about a special memory.

Molly, the super bridesmaid with flower holding powers, spent a good part of the ceremony holding all four bouquets! Her super powers allowed for this special moment.

Their sweet & unique vows brought out tears, and plenty of laughter.

love this:

They walked arm in arm to the barn, followed by all four of their parents :) ย Time to party!! And this group of folks, internet, they knew how to party. SO stoked to share those pictures soon. It was one sweet celebration of this marriage.