The Huebner Family
Neff’s Canyon
Salt Lake City, UT

Ok, let me just say that I love this family. Julie and Toby are amazing parents, an amazing couple, and fabulous friends. Their kids couldn’t have better examples on how to live life. Then there’s Josh. One of my favorite kids out there. He has this serious side, but his sense of humor is amazing. And he has the cutest little twin sisters ever. Don’t believe that many evers can fit in one family? well… let me just show you then.

At first, he wasn’t so sure… then it was kinda fun to laugh at the camera. And then it was more fun to be a bear.

fallen trees… weeds… a kid with a fabulous sense of adventure… what’s not to love?

Don’t those blue eyes just melt your heart?

Fall in Utah. Love.

Thanks for the fabulous afternoon you guys! Loved getting to hang out with such a great family. Love you guys.
