Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
Been There, Loved It
California Central Valley

While scouring the images of pinterest, I started quite the collection of “places I want to go” images. I’ve always loved travel. Love to see new things and experience new places. So I kept dreaming. And this little heart started to get discontent. I want to go there…. and there, and there, and…. So, I decided to start a board of places I’ve been blessed to go, and LOVED. So that way, as I dream of all the new and exciting places I might go, I can remember all the places I’ve been blessed to visit, and create memories at. And then, when I come across a gorgeous photo on Pinterest I can proudly pin that, and say, “thanks for all the places I’ve gotten to add to my memory bank.”

One such place I love to create memories in is California. Garett & I recently got to go spend some time where his heart is happy. The farmlands. (of California, not Nebraska… see marital compromise) :) The farm fields of California are near and dear to my heart. And we got to spend an afternoon where Garett pretended he was a farmer, and I took pictures in that gorgeous California sun. Happiness.

The specific farmlands – this gorgeous pick-your-own cherry orchard.

Best part about this specific orchard? It is in my parent’s hometown. So we got to spend the afternoon not just playing farmer, but also getting to chat with my dad, mom & sister. Oh, and newest niece :)

This is our “we love cherry picking” faces.

If you every happen to find yourself in the Golden State driving through orchards, stop. Immediately. At the first fruit stand you come to. It is what I miss most about living in California – fresh off the trees fruit from the orchard. I think that’s why I love that mom wanted to go cherry picking. I have so many wonderful memories as a kid tromping through the orchards, eating FRESH peach pie, stealing a berry or two from the bushes in our backyard. Grabbing sugar snap peas from the vine and snacking and chatting. Thanks, California orchards for all the great memories.