Adventures with my Love

ireland anniversary photographer, destination wedding photographer

I LOVE to travel. I especially love to travel with the man that holds my heart. Ever since our wedding, we’ve had the opportunity to embark on a few adventures, exploring the world. One of my favorite ways is to see the world through the eye of my lens.

Our latest adventure was to the emerald island, Ireland. Pure gorgeousness. It is a peaceful place with a twist of blue-grey moodiness from the rain and clouds. It rained everyday which added to the mystic and intrigue of this beautiful place. Driving on the wrong side of the road, rolling emerald hills, majestic cliffs, the rain, and the warmth of by-the-side-of-the-road pubs and their tasty Guinness, and the wonderfully long chats with my love. I’m not really sure which was my favorite part.

Here is a lovely mix of mine & Garett’s view of Ireland. Can you tell which are mine and which are his?

Oh, and leave a comment below if you have questions on where any of this awesomeness is… or just want to know more about such an awesome place.

ireland travel photos
Ireland Travel Photos