Beth & Zack’s Wedding: Part 3
Madeline Choir School
Salt Lake City, UT

Ok, so if you missed Beth & Zack’s wedding, you need to see it. It was amazing. gorgeous. touching. for real: it’s here.

Now, that you’re all caught up, after their seriously beautiful wedding, we frolicked around Storm Mountain laughing. being all cool, and laughing a bit more. First, let’s start out with the cool factor.ย  This here is one cool bridal party. You just can’t fight it with glasses like that.

Their cool factor totally went up a couple notches with this jumping pic. So loving it. I think their expressions are perhaps my favorite.

The light for the jumping shot was so sweet, I had to sneak in a couple of just Beth & Zack.

These traditional scarves were brought back by Zack’s brother (and awesome wedding officiant) for the bridal party. I really love how much their party really celebrated with them.

I’m pretty sure the playground was a groomsman’s idea. Can you tell we were having a blast? :)

Not only did the guys all have fantastic custom suits, they also had each of their suit coats embellished with the date of Beth & Zack’s wedding. Seriously, love.

We then let the bridal party head down to enjoy cocktail hour, while Garett & I got to hang out with Beth & Zack amongst the trees and long grass.

We then stepped back and let Beth & Zack enjoy the moment of it being their wedding day. Here is just a snapshot into how much they love each other and enjoyed their day.

When we arrived at the reception site of the Madeleine Choir School, we snapped just a few of this gorgeous couple. Because, really, our cameras just couldn’t get enough of them. Then, it was time to party!

In keeping with their laid-back, fun atmosphere, Beth & Zack opted for a food truck & wood fire pizza for their guests. And, let me tell you, they were tasty.

Sweet moments and laughter during the toasts.

Such a romantic & sweet first dance.

This I love,ย  they brought the tradition that started (and continues) in their kitchen: a family dance.

I’d say both Beth & Zack are very loved.

And then they danced the night away. Perhaps one of the best dance parties to date.

Beth & Zack, you guys are amazing together and planned a fantastic day. Have fun dating the rest of your lives :)



Beth & Zack put together such a beautiful wedding, here is a list of vendors they chose to make it happen: